Women and the Future of the iGaming Industry

In spite of the large female audience in the iGaming industry, the marketing materials often used by major operators would not suggest this. For online casinos and sports betting sites, we frequently see marketing campaigns designed to appeal to men more than women. However, it cannot be denied that more and more women are using these sites.

One area of iGaming that has always been dominated by women is that of bingo. If effective marketing can be used here to appeal to this demographic without cliché or stereotype – though it can still exist – why can the same not be said for other areas?

A Lack of Research

One reason why many operators fail to deliver these effective campaigns is that there is simply a lack of research in the area. When testing campaigns through market research and other means, choosing just women as a focus group should be something considered alongside mixed groups.

The nuances of women in the iGaming industry is something that needs to be addressed by proper, peer-reviewed research. At the moment, there is very little in this area. With the rise in female users that we have seen, not just across bingo but in other areas too, there also needs to be a follow-up of research to ensure that marketing caters to them.

How can we expect to market to an entire demographic if we know so little about how they spend? What games are they more likely to play? What are their behaviours like as players? How are operators expected to offer that crucial safe gambling environment if they do not understand how women approach gambling and iGaming as a whole? Using only data gathered from mixed groups – or worse just male-centric data – is never going to be able to deliver the understanding needed.

Shifting Perspectives

We are moving into a world that is increasingly digital. With will inevitably come a rise in interest from those who might not have considered gambling before. Marketing through social media and other platforms allows operators to expand their reach far beyond the opportunities that traditional marketing can offer.

However, with this has come a change in attitude. Playing to clichés and stereotypes is no longer accepted. If operators in the iGaming industry wish to appeal to the female demographic, especially one that is younger, they will have to ensure that their products are free from these approaches.

It is entirely possible for brands to appeal to women without falling back on stereotypes of the past. If they wish to pursue success in the future, it must be through creating campaigns supplemented by the aforementioned research. The aim should be to create an iGaming campaign that appeals to women in a way that is inclusive, sensitive to the needs and expectations of women, and nuanced.

Moving Forward

If the iGaming industry is to move forward and become more diverse, there needs to be a shift in the culture that matches the wider social shift we have seen in wider society. Operators and marketers need to bring diversity to their teams in order to create these campaigns that are capable of marketing to many.

Diversity and an intersectional approach are key to ensuring that true inclusivity is present. After all, there are many minorities within the demographic of women and their experiences will all offer something fresh that can make a campaign that bit more inclusive. Many brands do not operate in one single country. They could potentially have female players from across the world. Every country has its own gambling culture. Brands within the iGaming industry are used to changing their approach to accommodate these different cultures, so it is not much of a step to expect them to also cater for the differences in demographics within those countries.

In addition to this, there needs to be more of an inclusion of women within iGaming in a way that spotlights their skills and not the fact that they are women. A great example can be found in poker. There are already plenty of women-only games at major tournaments, giving female players the chance to showcase their skills in a game that is still very much dominated by male players. The focus of such efforts needs to be on the skills of these players and remove gender bias where possible. If such an endeavour can be achieved with poker, there is no reason why it cannot be replicated across other areas of iGaming too.

Women and the iGaming Industry – Where Next?

Should the iGaming industry wish to continue to appeal to the female demographic, especially to younger generations, it is vital that a change in approach is needed. Firstly, research is needed to identify the precise needs of this key demographic. Then, brands need to work to create inclusive and diverse content that embraces women in iGaming in the right way.

If you would like to know more about our work in the iGaming industry contact us today.

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